1. Idea
veTRAVA marketplace is on its way, bringing us to the next level of the “Decentralized”.
In detail, this feature fosters the power of users by enabling peer-to-peer exchange voting power in the form of veTRAVA (NFT form). For more information about veTRAVA Marketplace, access the article hereIn the first step of building the marketplace, we would like to collect the community’s ideas in main aspects, such as the token types and the fee charged, that will directly affect your experience and benefits.
2. Current Status
In general, the process of joining veTRAVA Marketplace could be simplified as below:Sellers:
- Lock their tokens in a particular period to get veTRAVA
- Place their veTRAVA on the marketplace and set reasonable prices, based on the voting power and the locking amount (that will then be the buyer’s ownership)
- Search and purchase the reasonable veTRAVA on the marketplace
- Receive veTRAVA (voting power) and all locking amount
3. Discussion
In this case, you, as both sellers and buyers, need to consider these points:- Which token to buy and sell?
- What is your opinion about the fee charged in veTRAVA Marketplace?
Raise your opinion now so we will discuss more and come up with the best options.
@thangtrava Nice to see the hard work of the team.
I wonder if we could use other assets rather than TRAVA or TRAVA/BNB to buy veTRAVA?
I suppose it's kinda nonsense to use TRAVA to buy veTRAVA and own the locking amount which is also in TRAVA.
@thangtrava Are there any conditions for sellers to set price on their veTRAVA? In order to avoid vote manipulation?
hey thang
about the token for buy sell? i think $TRAVA, cause why not when we can use our own product to boost trading volume of our token?
about how much fee charged i have no idea
and i also have two suggestions :
- add an AI analizer tool to evaluate the real value of a veTRAVA bag on marketplace, based on :
1-remaining time till unlock
2-amount of voting power it carry(veTRAVA)
3-amount of $TRAVA that back it up(locked)
and suggest this evaluation to buyer/sellers
it can prevent sellers to sell too cheap imo, cause based on my EXP on NFT marketplaces cheap sellers mostly do it due to not having a clear insight or vision about real value of what they selling, i think one AI tool can act as assistant here and evaluate price for a veTRAVA bag and jus simply suggest it, ofcourse declaring final sell price is only under holders authority, tool is jus for guide, not to force the price2)let veTRAVA to be accepted as collateral in lending pools, and again use same AI tool to evaluate how much this veTRAVA bag worth aka how much it can borrow other assets (based on same parametrs that i mentioned above)
thank you and goodluck
- add an AI analizer tool to evaluate the real value of a veTRAVA bag on marketplace, based on :